Pretty Please
from Teleflora
Delivery Method
- Hand Delivered
A vase is included in the price or is not necessary.Price
**Save 20% on Get Well Flowers! Same day delivery available with code AFCJGETWELL10. Offer valid through 12/31/25.
$39.99 + delivery + tax
Looking for the most charming bouquet in town? Look no further! The 'Pretty Please' flower arrangement by Teleflora is the perfect all-around choice. This delightful bouquet features a vibrant mix of fresh flowers in breezy shades of pink, white, lavender, and more—all at a wonderfully reasonable price. Each floral masterpiece is hand-delivered in a vase adorned with a big pink bow, making it an ideal gift to brighten someone's day and make them smile.
- A stunning mix of fresh flowers such as spray roses, daisy and button spray chrysanthemums, Monte Cassino asters, and limonium in beautiful shades of white, pink, green, purple, and lavender.
- Hand-delivered in a complementary vase adorned with a matching ribbon.
- Perfectly arranged in an all-around orientation to dazzle from any angle.
- Exclusive arrangement by Teleflora.
- Includes a vase for a complete, ready-to-enjoy presentation.
Pet Safety
Toxic to Cats
Toxic to Dogs
* All florists have substitution policies that allow them to make substitutions based on flower availability. This summary is based on the flowers listed in the description and may not represent the delivered arrangement if substitutions are made.
- Green
- Pink
- Purple
- White
Scientific Name
Common Names
Pet Safety
Safe for Dogs
Safe for Cats
Scientific Name
Pet Safety
Toxic to Dogs
Toxic to Cats
Scientific Name
Common Names
Pet Safety
Safe for Dogs
Safe for Cats
Scientific Name
Common Names
Caspia, marsh-rosemary., Sea Lavender, Statice
Pet Safety
Safe for Dogs
Safe for Cats
Scientific Name
Common Names
Rose, Roses
Pet Safety
Safe for Dogs
Safe for Cats
About the Florist
Teleflora is an online florist that has been delivering flowers for over 80 years. They have a network of over 10,000 local florists, allowing them to provide same-day delivery to most locations in the United States and Canada. Teleflora offers a wide variety of floral arrangements and gifts for all occasions, including weddings, birthdays, and funerals. They also have a satisfaction guarantee on all of their products.