Treasured And Beloved Bouquet
from Teleflora
Delivery Method
- Hand Delivered
A vase is included in the price or is not necessary.Price
**Save 15% on flowers sitewide! Same day delivery available with code AFCJ15210. Offer valid through 12/31/25.
$114.74 + delivery + tax
The Treasured And Beloved Bouquet by Teleflora offers a meaningful way to honor the memory of your beloved. This breathtaking arrangement features a harmonious blend of sky blue hydrangea and cloud white roses, elegantly placed in a classic white designer urn. Perfect for conveying your heartfelt condolences and creating a comforting atmosphere, this bouquet sends a message of love and remembrance.
- This stunning bouquet includes light blue hydrangea, white roses, white spray roses, white lisianthus, light blue delphinium, white snapdragons, white stock, and white waxflower.
- The arrangement is beautifully accented with huckleberry, variegated ivy, spiral eucalyptus, dagger fern, and lemon leaf, adding lush greenery and texture.
- Delivered in a sophisticated white designer urn, offering an elegant touch.
- Orientation: One-Sided
- Hand delivered to ensure the highest quality and freshness.
- Designed by Teleflora, known for exceptional floral arrangements.
Pet Safety
Toxic to Cats
Toxic to Dogs
* All florists have substitution policies that allow them to make substitutions based on flower availability. This summary is based on the flowers listed in the description and may not represent the delivered arrangement if substitutions are made.
- Blue
- White
Scientific Name
Common Names
Delphinium, Larkspur, Staggerweed
Pet Safety
Toxic to Dogs
Toxic to Cats
Scientific Name
Common Names
Eucalyptus, Gum, Lemon Scented Gum, Silver Dollar Tree
Pet Safety
Toxic to Dogs
Toxic to Cats
Scientific Name
Common Names
Ferns, Flowering Ferns
Pet Safety
Safe for Dogs
Safe for Cats
Scientific Name
Common Names
Bilberries, Blueberries, Blueberry, Cranberries, Huckleberries
Pet Safety
Safe for Dogs
Safe for Cats
Scientific Name
Common Names
French Hydrangea, Mountain Hydrangea, Oak-leaf Hydrangea, Peegee Hydrangea
Pet Safety
Safe for Dogs
Safe for Cats
Scientific Name
Abelmoschus esculentus
Common Names
Bentwood, Bindwood, Common Ivy, Gobbo, Gumbo, Ivy, Ivy Gum Plant, Ladies' Fingers, Love United, Ochro, Okra, Okro
Pet Safety
Safe for Dogs
Safe for Cats
Scientific Name
Eustoma grandiflorum
Common Names
Bluebell Gentian, Lisianthus, Prairie Gentian, Texas Bluebell
Pet Safety
Safe for Dogs
Safe for Cats
Scientific Name
Common Names
Rose, Roses
Pet Safety
Safe for Dogs
Safe for Cats
Scientific Name
Antirrhinum majus
Common Names
Common Snapdragon, Garden Snapdragon, Snapdragon
Pet Safety
Safe for Dogs
Safe for Cats
Scientific Name
Matthiola incana
Common Names
Brompton Stock, Stock, Stocks
Pet Safety
Safe for Dogs
Safe for Cats
About the Florist
Teleflora is an online florist that has been delivering flowers for over 80 years. They have a network of over 10,000 local florists, allowing them to provide same-day delivery to most locations in the United States and Canada. Teleflora offers a wide variety of floral arrangements and gifts for all occasions, including weddings, birthdays, and funerals. They also have a satisfaction guarantee on all of their products.