One of a Kind Bouquet | Local Florist Designed
Delivery Method
- Hand Delivered
A vase is included in the price or is not necessary.Price
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$39.99 + delivery + tax
Experience the unparalleled beauty and heartfelt sentiment of the 'One of a Kind Bouquet | Local Florist Designed' by Each stunning arrangement is meticulously hand-delivered, crafted by skilled local florists using only the freshest flowers available. This bespoke floral creation, presented in an elegant glass vase, embodies the creativity and passion of our artisans, making it an exceptional gift for any occasion. By choosing this arrangement, you not only express your emotions perfectly but also support the dedicated craft of local floral designers.
- Hand-delivered to ensure the utmost care and freshness
- Custom-designed arrangement featuring a fresh bouquet of beautiful blooms
- Expertly crafted in a sophisticated glass vase
- Floral colors and varieties will vary depending on local availability
- Available in multiple sizes for the best possible value: Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large, Deluxe & Premium
- Perfect for any occasion to convey your heartfelt sentiments
About the Florist was founded by Jim McCann in 1976 and has since become a renowned name in the floral industry. They have established a strong reputation for delivering high-quality floral arrangements and exceptional customer service. The company has won numerous awards for its innovative approach to online retail and commitment to customer satisfaction. They offer flowers shipped from their fulfillment centers and also have a vast network of local florists across the United States, ensuring that their customers receive fresh and beautiful flowers. has a robust review system on their website, allowing customers to provide feedback and share their experiences.